Monday, January 13, 2014


Sundays in January mean ballet summer intensive auditions. Today was audition #2 for the Big Ballerina.

This was the first audition BB has done where all ages (12-18) audition together. Intimidating.

Add in the fact that there were 117 others auditioning with her.
And stressful.

Add in the fact that the Artistic Director was the one teaching the audition class. EXCITING!
And intimidating.
And stressful.

Yet she walked into the audition with her head held high. And tried. When it was over, she said it was tough. But she loved it. She loved the teacher and the style of ballet he teaches.

So, even if she doesn't get in. She learned something valuable. And that made it worth the four hour drive. Each way.


Sheryl said...

What a brave young lady.x

Jen said...

Hi, any auditions in Charlotte this year? Let me know and I'll bring you lunch, or coffee and keep you company while you are waiting!

Karina said...

Argh. You are really making me wish we had scheduled some auditions at least for the experience. So exciting to hear how in tune BB is with her skills and the styles of the companies she is auditioning with. Can't wait to hear the results.

Kim said...

Jen... Originally Charlotte was on our list, but when I double checked one of the companies was no longer holding its audition there. Either that or I totally misread the schedule when I figured out our plan. doh! of the places she is considering is in Charlotte. If she chooses to go there, she'll be there for 5 weeks. Then we'd DEFINITELY have a chance to catch up. :)

Kim said...

SHeryl...Thank you! I am continually amazed at what she is willing to do for ballet. I would have been a hot mess going into that room.

Katrina - Thanks, girl! If you can get to one, just do it. It is such a wonderful experience for them. I'll let you know how it all works out for BB.

Nicolle said...

I have my fingers crossed for her!

Cathy M~(checkitoff) said...

Love your commitment to BB's art! You are a good momma! hugs, cathy