Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Joy of Love: Day 22: Portraits

The Joy of Love class is winding down. I would love to go back and make sure I hit each day's assignments, but I doubt that is going to happen. I do have grand ideas for a few of the ones I've missed. But they require warm weather. And members of my family to be home. And willing participants. Three attributes that rarely go together.

OK...so today's assignment was portraits. Close up. Head and shoulder shots. Indoor. Natural light. I should be a pro at these by now. Right? So..how come I'm not? I'm blaming it on my house. My gear. And the weather.

My house is just not conducive to beautiful indoor natural light photos. I'm convinced. Not sure why. Is it the way it's positioned in relation to the sun and the windows? Is it the lack of windows on the sides of our house? Is it the paint color?!?!?

Since I can't do anything about the way our house is positioned on the earth. Or where the windows are located. Or the weather. I guess I'll just have to paint the walls. Something bright and neutral. This deep yellow/gold color? It's gotta go.

As for gear? I know it's not the gear. I have a great camera. Some decent lenses. But I can't help lusting after a 50mm 1.4. I have the 1.8. It works well enough. I just feeelllll like the 1.4 would be so much better. I've heard mixed reviews on the 1.2 and with the $1500 price tag that bad boy is not in the cards. Anyone here upgrade from a 1.8 to a 1.4 or 1.2? Did you notice a big difference?

Ok...so enough excuses. Oh wait, one more thing. There was NO light today. Totally gray and overcast. But here are my pictures for today. Both are taken with the 50mm 1.8.


Nicolle said...

Kim, I think those photos are fabulous! Especially with what you say about the lighting in your house. We have solar screens on our windows and our indoor natural light really bites! :) I think these pictures are beautiful.

I have the 50 mm, 1.4 Canon lens, but the cheapie one. I love it, but I still like my kit lens and my Tamron Lens b/c of the zoom. I can't get used to a lens that doesn't zoom. All in all, I don't know much about lenses. :)

Have a good night!

Meg said...

These are great shots! I have the same lens and love it.

Amy said...

Love the shots.

I have teh 50 / 1.8 and am still not really used to it. I really like my 35 / 1.8. it's the one I usually use.

I really need a 24-70. Do you have that one?

Lisa @ lists in my pocket said...

Hi Kim! Just catching up on all your posts and thought I'd say hi. Hope you're doing well!

sloan said...

Hi there, Kim - I have the 50mm/1.4 but since that's where I started I can't compare to the 1.8 ... it's a hefty $ increase - I think the 1.8 = $99 and the 1.4 = $350? I have heard the same about 1.2 - not worth it. I have also heard many many reviews that say the 1.8 is the way to go ... that it does 99.9% of what the 1.4 can do but for a whole lot more value ... they call it the "nifty fifty" ... still, I *heart* my 1.4 ;-)

Unknown said...

I love these shots - it seems you have more naural light than I would think after reading your post! I love my 50mm 1.8!

Tracy said...

Great blog post! I think you made the most of what you had available to you. That first photo is great! I love the lighting and processing you used! I have a nikon and upgraded from the 35 mm to the 50 1.4 and LOVE it!!! I had a few issues at first, but they seem to be working their way out as I use it more.

Laura- That Kind of Mom said...

These are awesome shots and I love your blog!! You commented on my WIWW a few weeks ago, I am so sorry I never got back to you! I will definitely be back again, I love all your amazing pictures!

Kristin said...

I have the 50mm 1.4 and love it. I rarely open it all the way up because the DOF is so shallow, but it is amazingly sharp and rich. I really love the pics I get with it when I remember to use it; otherwise my go to lens is my 24-70 2.8. It lives on my camera 90% of the time. BTW, I didn't realize we were supposed to take our portrait indoors. Oops. Oh well.

{cindy} said...

No lens advice for you, but I sure did love "stealing" everyones advice for you!!:)
I think they both look great. Would love to know what LB was thinking about?!?!?!
Have a happy day

Kerri said...

Once again, amazing photos Kim! The one of BSD doesn't even look real!
I use the...oh wait, that's right...I don't have a special lens b/c I have a crap camera! I'll just keep wishing and dreaming!

Amy said...

I love these, especially the first one. The lighting in our house stinks too and I have to plan what I want to do around when I know there will be light in the few rooms it reaches.

I upgraded from the 50mm 1.8 to the 1.4 last year. I LOVE the 1.4. All the shots on my blog so far have been taken with it.

btw, I'm in South Carolina :-)

Jennifer Thompson said...

I think these shots are great!
I also have the Cannon 50mm 1.8.

Bridget said...

I think the pictures turned out really good! I have a Kodak Easy Share Z740...every time I use it, I just pretend it's my dream camera, a Nikon. *sigh*

Anne said...

I have a cell phone that takes pictures and a point-n-shoot...oh wait...I also have a photographer friend named Kim who takes shots of my kids! :) No advice from me. Nice shots.

Kristin said...

I took the cowgirl pics with the 50mm. Whenever I know I'm going to do a portrait, that is the one I use. I love the versatility of the 24-70, but it's not as sharp and rich as the 50. I'm with you about not having enough room inside; I always seem to find myself on the other side of the room trying to fit everyone in.

Anonymous said...

I love them both! Gorgeous! Really love the first one. So sharp.

As for the lens. I think the 50 mm will be my next lens. I have a photographer friend who has lots of lenses and she was telling me about the 50 mm, and I think when I get one, it'll be the 1.4. Or try the 1.8 first. I don't know, I'm torn over the price tag. I could get the 1.8 now, but have to save for the 1.4. It's become very addicting this camera thing.

Anonymous said...
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erin said...

Kim these are SO beautiful! Seriously LOVE. Such beautiful lighting. I have the 1.8 and just love what it can do with depth of field. Definitely think its an amazing lens for the $$.

Andrea @ little buckles said...

Fantastic shots! So natural and clear. Lovely :) x

Becky @ Rub Some Dirt On It said...

Kim, thanks for commenting on my blog! I love your photos :) Won't you miss the Joy of Love?

Dani said...

Great job.

The lighting in my house is very hit or miss. It's either a fantastic accident or a well thought out failure.