Friday, April 1, 2011

It may as well have been a typewriter...

Or an 8-Track player. Or maybe even a VCR. The ballerinas had no idea what it was. And I was shocked.

The ballerinas notice e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. I thought for sure they were going to jump up and down begging me to race over to the pet store when they saw it. Instead it sat on the kitchen counter all day. Unnoticed. Unremarkable. unbelievable.

I've been thrifting these past few days. Came home with some uber fun goodies. Will get to those later in the week. But this big beauty called my name. The minute I laid eyes on it I had visions of The Cat in the Hat. And I snatched it off the shelf. Before the totally uninterested shoppers other savvy thrifters could lay their paws on my prize.

I had to add that itty bitty to get the ballerinas to realize what this was. C'mon, tell me you would have recognized this if you stumbled upon it. Seriously. I'm not THAT old. Am I?
I can't wait to hit up the pet shop to deck this baby out. If any of you have any words of wisdom about proper fish care, I'm all ears.


Amy said...

Totally would have known that's a fish bowl. My kids probably wouldn't either though. Have fun decking it out. No advice here, I've never had a fish.

Photography said...

Oh fish! Yay such cute pets. Love the shape of the bowl.

Amy said...

Very cool fish bowl.

we bought a fish for our son and he actually lasted 5 months. I think the key is to "hope they die soon." Then they live forever.

Bridget said...

Very nice! I would suggest a beta fish or a gold fish.

How old am I that I totally know what an 8 track is...

Kat said...

That would be a great fish bowl for a beta. When I was young, we used to go for Sunday drives and jam out to ABBA on the 8-track.

Gabe said...

What a great shape!! LOVE

I dont feel that old...but we must be :)

Kerri said...

I didn't recognize what it was until the last picture! Have fun filling it! No advice here...we don't have the best track record with fish! :/

Jess said...

how fun! my kids have been asking for fish...and another dog...i think i'm going to see how your fish adventure plays out :)

Karina said...

OK - put me in the same category as the ballerinas. I was thinking it was a beautiful old dome for an industrial light - like something you would see in Restoration Hardware? Although, in my defense...I would totally have noticed an 8 track, or typewriter.

We have had great success with simple goldfish (as in the 10 cent variety from Walmart). One lived 4 years and the other just over 3.

Keep only one in your fishbowl (or giant antique light dome).

No filtering required - as long as you only have one. Any more and they will create more waste than the habitat can manage.

Add water as needed as it evaporates. Add dechlorinating drops when you add water.

Add stones in the bottom and plastic greenery. Maybe a few rocks and shells. Boil everything that did not come sterilized from the pet store.

You should only have to completely clean and replace the water about every 3-4 weeks.

A small pinch of flake food in the AM and you are ready to have a new pet for the next few years.

Anonymous said...

What a great idea! My girls would love to have a fish. We've never tried it, and I think I had a beta once that lasted, um, about 17 hours. I'm sure I murdered it some how. Love the shape of your bowl, can't wait to see what you do with it! Then I can copy you ;)

Dani said...

That's what my Mr. does for a living: custom aquariums. He knows all things fish.

Check it out:

Shoot me a line if you have questions and I'll get the scoop from my fish boy.

Bring Pretty Back said...

My boys went through the we-want-a -fish -stage... wonderful memories!
Have a pretty day!

Jen said...

Just dont let it slip down the drain like I did!

Pam said...

That is a cool fish bowl! I don't think I could do fish again though..I have flashbacks of being pregnant and cleaning the bowl..not pretty. Fill it with coins and see how much you'd have when its filled!

Fawn said...

Awesome. And so funny, I was just considering buying a fish this morning. After repeated requests for a cat. Because I thought the death of a fish might scare them out of wanting a cat. But them we watched Tinkerbelle's Great Fairy Rescue, and the realization that a cat would chase all the fairies away may have bought me some time...

My Interior Life said...

Love that old fish bowl! Too funny that the girls didn't realize what it was. It does sort of look like an old globe for a light fixture too (as someone else commented), but I think it's definitely meant for the little fishes!

My kids are begging for a fish but I'm afraid our cat would eat it.

Nicolle said...

We had fish growing up, but it's been too long for me to remember anything about them. I love the bowl though! Have fun with them and let us know what you get! :))

hipchicagomom said...

Fish. We had fish once. We named them Lucy and Ethel and they were goldfish. They live a year. It was a lot of work cleaning the tank. Our stint with fish is now through. LOL

I like that bowl! :D

Kristin said...

Guess what? I too LOVE to go thrifting! I love the thrill of the hunt and get such a high when a find a wonderful treasure. I too would have snatched up this cool bowl, and I can't wait to see your other fabulous finds.

I know about dogs and babies, but if I gave you any advice about fish, they'd surely die. For some reason I can't get the vision of a big cat sitting with his head perched over the top of this bowl watching the little critters inside swim around for hours on end. Guess it's just a bit of my twisted humor coming out...sorry, it's late. :o)

Kristin said...

Hey, I almost forgot, THANK YOU so much for your super sweet comment on my Top 5 post. You sure know how to make a girls day, and I'm so glad I was able to inspire you in some tiny way. Get to snappin' girl! I want to see some pictures because I've really missed you!

jules said...

I've never had fish, just dogs so I have absolutely no advice for you on fish care......

I would have bought the bowl just because it is super cool.

Courtney said...

Gosh, my kids notice EVERYTHING! I can't move a piece of paper without my 5 yr old asking me why I moved that one piece of paper. Great find!

Tracy said...

What a great fish bowl!!! I love thrifting as well. I am gearing up for garage sale season :)